Sunday, September 9, 2007

How Resumes are read?

Resumes are rarely read. They're first scanned, usually by HR (Human Resources) or the internal recruiter. Each resume is scanned in about 10 seconds; HR scans hundreds daily and doesn't have the time to read resumes in detail. Even if it did, it's unlikely it could perform a detailed screen because HR is recruiting for multiple disciplines and understand each discipline only at the conceptual level. So, it's looking for keywords. You're competing for the reader's attention. If a quick scan captures the reader's interest, he or she reads your resume in detail.

Descriptive Titles
Resume reviewers first scan your resume looking at the positions you've held and the companies for whom you've worked. Their eyes scan your resume from company/position to company/position. This is why it's important to use descriptive titles for the positions you've held. When your assigned title does not accurately communicate your duties, substitute a more descriptive and accurate title. For example, if your title is “secretary” but you provide administrative support to an executive, then using a descriptive title like “Executive Administrative Assistant” will be more effective. An example from the engineering field: I

Reviewers also look for keywords. You can influence how the reader scans by selectively bolding or underlining words you want to highlight. Highlighting keywords in this manner helps capture the reader's eye. Highlight only those parts of your background that relate most to the position you're seeking. Highlighting too many words will be counter-productive. Be very selective with the words you highlight.

Two Different Readers
After your resume is scanned by (HR), it goes to the hiring manager. Hiring managers invest more time reading each resume, looking for compelling reasons why they should interview you. They're also looking for reasons not to interview you. Hence, be sure to highlight accomplishments you've achieved so the reader can visualize the results you can achieve for them.

Resume Length
One page resumes are appropriate for individuals with no more than three years of experience. The one-page resume rule is very outdated and not appropriate for most professionals. Two- to three-page resumes are very common and appropriate for individuals with at least three years of experience. Page format details such as margins (top, bottom, left and right) and font size will significantly affect resume length. Use a font size of at least 10 point, which is the minimum most people can comfortably read. An 11-point font is best for most resumes.

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