Tuesday, August 14, 2007

9 Questions To Ask An Unhappy Employee!!

If you want to get to the root of the problem with an unsatisfied employee, try asking these questions from HR expert Timothy Augustine . Honest answers to these questions -- and your subsequent actions -- could mean the difference between keeping or losing a star employee.

1 - If you could change one thing about out company what would it be?
The truth may hurt, but you need to ask. The answer could reveal something that is fundamentally wrong and that could be affecting other employees, as well.

2 - How do you feel the company and your team are doing?
The response will help you gauge how confident your employee is in what's going on at the company.

3 - How do you feel I am doing as your supporting leader?
In other words, what can you start or stop doing to make the employee's job more enjoyable and successful.

4 - Do you receive sufficient feedback about your performance?
Performance and merit reviews are not the only times you should offer feedback. Feedback is a continuous process which, when given consistently, can help an employee improve his performance and satisfaction with his job.

5 - What is most satisfying about your job?
Discovering what is most satisfying will help you better understand your employee's motivations and may even allow you to enhance the tasks or roles the employee enjoys most.

6 - What is least satisfying about your job?
On the flip side, discovering what is least satisfying about the job could reveal the need to reassign the employee to a different position or team.

7 - What would you change about your job?
Suggestions in this category can help you reevaluate the job's overall requirements and pave the way for improving any employee's satisfaction in that role.

8 - Do you receive enough training to do your job effectively?
Inadequate training can result in dissatisfaction with one's work and directly affect an employee's confidence.

9 - How can I or the firm help you fulfill your career goals?
Showing that you have a clear plan for career enhancement is one great way to retain a star worker.

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